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Parental Council Minutes 14.03.17

Parent Council Minutes from meeting 6pm 14-03.17



Attended:  Laura Lawson, Susan Matthew, Nicky Redmond, Jacqui McCracken, Sharon Falconer, Lynsey Dolan and Jenny Ramsay (FOOSC).

Apologies: Babs Webster, Barbara Smith and Gangue Ibidunni.


1. Minutes from previous meeting; All agreed.

Updates - £2500 in main account and currently £1200 in the Parent pay account.

Karen will start to move over the money from the old bank account (£2500) and hopefully this will be completed by end of March, start of April.

We currently have no books, at the next AGM this needs to created, Parent pay to possibly take over as this. Double-check this with Karen. Keep Karen up-to-date with meeting dates.

We think there is still money due out from the account; markings for school still to be paid, roughly £800, also money to be paid to nursery.

Cost needs to be sourced for bus to Dalguise ASAP.


2. Spring Event

6 p.m. – 8 p.m.

Kids on their wooden spoon competition to be announced at assembly.

Prizes for winning team to be 6 medium sized Easter Eggs.

Laura and Susan to organize quiz questions.

Text to be prepared mentioning kids and parents can join a team on the night.

We have enough tea and coffee for the event. Sharon will get milk, diluting juice and biscuits and check if cups are needed. Sharon will also see Mike or Liz about setting tables up.  Susan will come in on Friday to check the ticket sales.

There are plenty tickets for raffles which will only be hampers. School to provide the boxes for this. Nicky will come in on Wednesday to do the hampers but before this Susan will check what we have.

Jenny said she will try to encourage parents from FOOSC to attend the quiz night.

Laura to put posters up in the shops and Susan will contact the local radio and local paper to advertise.


3. Traffic

There was a letter in the paper raising concerns regarding the traffic and behaviour of parents parking around the school area.

Jenny mentioned that previous members of Parent Council suggested that the roads be one way around the school and this was refused.

Laura mentioned that the school in Lochee gets closed for access to avoid traffic problems.

Barrier is on track for April holidays but the box to hold the barrier has to be fitted 2 weeks prior to the actual barrier and this hasn’t been done yet and the school is closed in 2 weeks’ time.

Parents are continually parking in the place reserved for the buses and taxis and this is causing vulnerable children to go across the car park.


5. School Improvement Plan

All track and ongoing.


AGM is now scheduled for TUESDAY, MAY 9, at 6 p.m.

Nursery parents need more information on the Parent Council. Maybe leaflets at the nursery and there is also details at the P1 inductions.

Laura emailing Taletta about how other Parent Councils manage their members.

Jenny suggested a stall at the Christmas Fayre showing what has been achieved through the Parent Council and what has been donated/purchased through the fundraising. This can include meeting dates and also detail that there will be no more fundraising shortly as parents are moving on with their children growing up. We can also include details about how being involved in school helps with children’ progression.

Lynsay mentioned that letters are just not coming out quick enough to give notice to things happening within the school and a few others agreed.

It was mentioned that maybe stickers in their diaries would help as parents should be checking these daily, although the use of the diaries have not been consistent lately.

Lynsay asked about the P1 transition as no one had been in touch with her nursery when other schools had. Sharon will forward this information on.


NEXT MEETING AGM - TUESDAY, MAY 9th, 2017, 6 p.m.

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