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Frequently Asked Questions

Fintry Primary's Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

School opening and closing times

Morning Session:             9.00am    -   12.15pm

Morning Interval:              10.30am   - 10.45 am                              

 Lunch                              12.15pm   -  1.15pm

Afternoon Session:           1.15pm     -  3.15pm


Breakfast Club(s)            8.00am  -  9.00am 

After School Club           3.15pm  -  6.00pm 

School Dinners

School meals are provided by Tayside Contracts catering. All pupils will have a set meal with a choice of main course. Menus are sent home each time they are changed so that parents can be aware of the options available to their children. Each morning, at initial registration, pupils choose from a selection of main courses. A choice of pudding and drink is available and starters are also available on certain days. If it is noticed that a child is eating very little over a period of time, parents will be contacted and advised accordingly.

If your child will be staying every day for a school lunch, please try to pay the weekly amount on a Monday morning. This ensures registration and administration tasks are completed promptly and our teachers can begin their core business of learning and teaching as soon as possible. The present cost of a school meal is £2.00.

Tables will be available in the dining hall for those who bring a packed lunch. For safety purposes, no glass bottles are allowed and all drinks should be carried in plastic/unbreakable containers.  Children should have a packed lunch box / bag clearly labelled with their name. 

As with all other times during the school day, a high standard of behaviour is expected in the dining hall, to ensure the safety of all pupils. Should a child’s behaviour give cause for concern during this time parents will be notified so that alternative arrangements for his/her supervision may be made.

Children who have a packed lunch or school dinner are not allowed to leave the premises of the school for health and safety reasons.

As a school, we do not allow pupils to leave school during the day without permission as we cannot ensure their safety. We therefore do not allow children to go to the nearby shops for lunch as we feel that this may compromise their safety. We advise parents not to allow their children to go to the shops for lunch.

If you do decide to permit your child to go then we can only allow this if written permission is received in advance, stating that you understand you have full responsibility for your child’s safety and behaviour during the lunch hour.

Arrangements have been made to enable pupils to stay in school during inclement weather.  Pupils who leave the school premises at lunchtime should not return to school until 1.15pm as there will be no supervision in the playground.  All available staff will be inside supervising the children who have stayed for a school or packed lunch.

Fintry Uniform

The wearing of school uniform is encouraged in the belief that it gives children a sense of belonging and shared identity which is conducive to a good learning environment.  A neat, tidy appearance can help children with their confidence and behaviour and we ask for your support in this.

Polo shirts, sweatshirts/cardigans and waterproof jackets with the school badge can be ordered at the school office at any time throughout the year.

School ties and badges for blazers along with other items of clothing can be bought at the Schoolwear Shop in Commercial Street, Dundee.

During the summer months, purple and white school summer dresses may be worn.  These are available from the school office as well as several stores including Asda and Tesco.


How do I make an appointment to see my child's teacher or School Management Team?

Close co-operation between home and school is important and parents are invited to contact school to arrange an appointment whenever it is necessary to share information, when advice is required or problems occur.  This partnership is, of course, a two way process.

Parents are also kept well informed through the website, twitter, by email, text, telephone or written communication, when appropriate, and through our newsletters. 

We also encourage parents to join us for ‘Meet the Teacher’ information afternoons, curriculum evenings, ‘Celebrations of Achievement’, selected assemblies, productions by individual classes, fundraising events, special weeks as in Health week or Scottish week, PTA activities and Parent Evenings.  We also value your assistance on our school trips and in helping with a range of other school activities.


School Telephone number:- 01382 307840





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