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Tuesday 4th February 2020

Parent Council Minutes


Attended: Babs Webster, Sharon Falconer, Jacqui McCracken, Laura Lawson, Nicky Redmond, Lisa Adams, Brenda Healy & Kerry Tough

Apologies: Barbara Smith, Mark Elder, Rachel Garrigan, Richard Waters, Paula Ramsay, Jenny Ramsay & Sue Robertson (FOOSC)

1. Minutes From Previous Meeting.

All Agreed

2. Christmas Fayre

This event was not as well attended as previous years however still a good sum of money was raised at £1080. Going forward the P7s have a Spring Fayre planned for Saturday 21st March 2020. We are looking at different ideas to get more of the community involved. Idea was Family Prize Bingo November 2020 & that we would contact businesses now to try to get big house prizes. Possible Colour Run, Silent Disco & Tea Dance were other ideas. This will all be discussed again at the next meeting.

3. Ideas For Spending The Money Raised

Laura has a meeting with Susan & Diane to know how much is in the account so we can put things in place for the school. Babs Webster asked for the school to be given money for a new Tumble Dryer & this was agreed by everyone.

4. HMIe Feedback

The report will be available for Everyone to see before the Easter Holidays.

5. P7s Leavers Dance

Barbara wants to have a meeting with the P7 parents / guardians regarding the P7 Leavers Dance.                                                                                                                               There was a Brilliant response to Mrs Robertsons (P7 Teacher) post on Facebook asking for dresses & formal wear for people who might be struggling with the added costs to this great occasion. There is an idea for all the P7s to get ready for the occasion in the gym hall at the school. People have offered to come in to do hair & make-up this avoiding anyone being left out. A Party Bus was an idea as well to accommodate everyone instead of individual groups spending money on Limos etc.

6. Take It Or Leave It & Lost Property

Morrisons do a drop off at the school once a Month to add to the Foodbank. Nicky will meet with Babs on Friday morning to get clothes to add to the rail by the door. Hangers are needed for the clothes to put on the rail – We can check with shops for unwanted hangers that they can gift to the school. This will be topped on when required.


7.  Local Shops

Community police have been asked to keep an eye on things around the shops at Lunchtimes as there has been occasions where school children have been sold energy drinks which are against the law – over 16s only.                                                        The school does run different lunch clubs to try to encourage children to stop going to the shops.                                                                                                                                          A community café was an idea at the Finmill Centre – possibly every Friday for P6 / P7 pupils.                                                                                                                                     A check with Tayside Contracts was an idea to see about portion sizes or other options they can put forward for the senior pupils.

8.  Correspondence


9. Traffic

NO Updates

10. School Improvement Plan

All On-Going & Running Smoothly

11. Cost of School Day

Fintry Primary School understands the importance of removing financial barriers and contributes to closing the poverty related attainment gap. We have introduced a Foodbank & Clothing Rail to help all families within the school.

12. AOCB

P7s Hoodies – Part of the P7s Enterprise – Must be Purple (School Colour) with School Badge, Senior Pupil & All P7s Names on the back. These will be given before Dalguise in the Future. 

Wooden Ship – Bark is needed for around the ship as getting very low causing muddy parts that can become slippy – Caird Park or Camperdown may be an option to contact to see if they can gift the school with any Bark.


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