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Information for starting Primary School

Contact Details School Support Admin Team Email: sends e-mail) Tel: 01382 433716 Floor 2, Dundee House 50 North Lindsay Street Dundee DD1 1NL

Applications for Primary 1 can be made from the first Monday in December (in the year prior to your child beginning primary 1) until the first Monday in February of the following year (2 month period).  Parents wishing to enrol their child at their catchment school should contact staff at their catchment primary school who will tell you their arrangements for enrolment. School staff will contact you directly to inform you of any induction days.

Although it is usual for children to attend their local catchment area school, parents have the right to request that their child be placed in a school other than their local catchment area school. Parents can do this by completing the online application form via MyDundee.

If your request for a non catchment was received by the first Monday in February deadline, you will be notified of the decision in writing no later than the end of April. If your application was received after the first Monday in February deadline you may not be notified the end of April but will be informed in writing once a decision has been made. Please note this information cannot be given over the phone.

If a child is of school age but has not reached the age of 5 by the start of the new school session in August, their school place can be delayed until the start of the next school year. However, only children with January and February birthdays are entitled to received a continued, funded nursery place at either a Dundee City Council nursery or a Private Provider Partner nursery should their parents request this. Continued funding for a nursery place for children whose birthday fall between August and December is not an entitlement. This is the case even when a child has received just one year of pre-school funding. It is recommended that you register your child for primary school even if you are planning to apply for delayed entry.

« March 2025 »